Air temperature and humidity sensor
The sensor measures the outside air temperature and relative humidity.
![Foto van de Luchttemperatuur en -vochtigheidsensor](/binaries/medium/content/gallery/digitalnorthsea/content-afbeeldingen/sensoren-en-data/luchttemperatuursensor-alex-brokx-830x553.png)
Temperature (or degree of heat) indicates how hot or cold something is. Relative humidity refers to the amount of water in a certain amount of air, or the percentage of the maximum amount of water vapor that air contains at a specific temperature and air pressure. The air temperature and humidity sensor measures relative humidity, boolean value of relative humidity, ambient temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature and air temperature.
The data collected with the air temperature and humidity sensor can be found in various places:
- Rijkswaterstaat Waterinfo and Rijkswaterstaat Waterberichtgeving provide access to the meteorological data of Landelijk Meetnet Water (LMW) (the National Water Monitoring Network).
- The LMW also sends the data directly to the KNMI data portal.
- The Digital North Sea Alliance website provides access to meteorological data for a number of wind farms in the North Sea.
Customers and applications
Customers include wind farm operators, energy traders, Rijkswaterstaat, the KNMI, skippers of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs), major seaports, (commercial) shipping, the Coast Guard, incident organizations and recreationists.
The data is used for climatological research, maritime research and the development, calibration and validation of models.