Rijkswaterstaat wants everyone to be able to use all the information on this website. That is why we pay a lot of attention to user-friendliness, accessibility and findability.

The Temporary Government Digital Accessibility Decree (Tijdelijk besluit digitale toegankelijkheid overheid) stipulates that government sites must meet accessibility requirements as laid down in EN 301 549/WCAG 2.1 and must be accountable for this in a published accessibility statement.

The accessibility of the Digitalnorthsea.nl website has been examined by an independent testing agency. The findings are included in the most recent research report (Dutch). In our Accessibility Statement we explain which points we do not yet fully comply with and how long we expect to resolve the bottlenecks.

Report accessibility issues

Do you have any questions or remarks? Or do you want to use a page on this website that is not accessible enough? Please contact us.