The Creative Commons zero statement (CC0) applies to the content of this website. This means that reuse of the content of this site is permitted, unless it is indicated in a particular section that a copyright exception applies. The CC0 statement does not apply to images.

Exception for images

The CC0 statement does not apply to photos, videos, infographics and all other forms of images, because they are subject to third-party copyright.

It is therefore not permitted to reuse or transfer images, unless the image explicitly states that this is permitted.

When reusing images, copying the name of the creator - if stated - is mandatory. In addition, when citing the content, it should not be given the impression that the central government automatically endorses the scope of the derivative work.

In most cases, images cannot be transferred for requests under the Reuse of Government Information Act (Wet hergebruik overheidsinformatie).

Reused content

When reusing texts from this website, use the attribution 'Source: Rijkswaterstaat'. When citing the content, it should not be given the impression that Rijkswaterstaat automatically endorses the scope of the derived work.


The editors of this website have taken great care to take into account the copyrights on the published images. In your opinion, has this not happened or not happened correctly in an image? Please contact us via our contact form.